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We believe that volunteers provide a valuable contribution to the school’s work, and that they enrich the school through the breadth of their knowledge and experience.

We are committed to using volunteers in a way that supports the school’s strategic aims and vision, as well as its development plan.

The aim of the Thaxted  volunteer policy is to:

  Encourage the wider community to engage with the school, thereby enhancing the curriculum, raising achievement and promoting community cohesion

  Ensure that volunteers support the school’s vision and values, and adhere to our policies

  Provide staff, volunteers and parents with clear expectations and guidelines

  Set a clear, fair process for recruiting and managing volunteers

This policy has been developed in line with the Department for Education (DfE)’s statutory safeguarding guidance, Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE).

So if you are interested in hearing children read, supporting our educational visits and working with small groups or individual children or maybe you have a specific skill/talent, such as ICT, art, sport that could support our curriculum, then please do contact the school office and apply now!