Data Protection
The General Data Protection Regulation comes into force on the 25th May 2018. It regulates the way that Data Controllers, such as Thaxted Primary School, process personal data about people (students, parents, employees etc) and the legal rights that individuals have in relation to that data.
Data Protection is monitored at Thaxted Primary School by its Information Governance Board, which reports to its Data Protection Officer. The board consists of the following members:
Senior Information Risk Owner: Caroline Crompton (Headteacher)
Information Champions: Shelley Curran (Business Manager) and Dianne King
Governors: Saroj Velamakanni
The school's Data Protection Officer is as follows:
SBM Services
12 Park Lane Business Centre
Park Lane
Tel: 01206 671103
Thaxted Primary School fully complies with information legislation. Using the links to the left you can view our Privacy Notices together with a document outlining your rights regarding the data that we hold on you. You will also find our Data Protection Policy and other information relating to the new regulations.